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@ Thursday, October 21, 2010

I wish you were MINE ♥

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Pres De Coeur-Priscilla Chen

Gotta learn to play this. SOON.
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@ Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I was happily minding my own business at Facebook, and BAAM!
You came and start calling me this and that.
For something that is NOT EVEN MY FAULT.
That's the best part. And the most making me pissed off part too.
How can you say I don't care for my friend?
First of all, you didn't invite me personally.
Fine, you told people to invite me too. But what if they forgot?
Plus, its YOUR open house. You're supposed to invite the people you wanna invite by telling them yourself! If not, its like you're not sincere. Who wants to go to an open house when the host doesn't invite them sincerely? Even my mom doesn't.
Secondly, she didn't chat with me or call me or even text me to ask me to accompany her to your house!
And how was I supposed to know that if I don't go, she'll be alone?!
Plus, why are YOU overreacting?
Even SHE doesn't mind, why are YOU making such a big deal out of it?
Its not like I purposely don't want to go.
Its because I can't!
MY schedule was already FULL, and you ask me to come on the LAST MINUTE!
When you called me, I was getting ready to go to another open house, WHICH,
I said YES, which mean I kinda promise in a way!
which invited me at the last minute!
Even when I went to the other open house, I was there for only half an hour, and I still reached home late!
My mom's not gonna let me come home after maghrib!
I wasn't even close to you!
You're trying to say that I have to go to your open house JUST to accompany my friend because she's all alone?!
And really, she wasn't that alone.
Its not like she doesn't know anybody over there!
She still has you and our other friends!
One of my BEST FRIEND invited me for her open house, and I couldn't make it.
Of course she feels a little disappointed but at least she understands!
YOU wasn't even that close to me, and you tell me off for not going to your open house?!
Kononnya you say I don't care about my friend la,
How could I leave her alone la.
I didn't purposely don't wanna go to your open house.
I didn't have enough time.
I also pity her cause shes alone.
I even CONSIDERED coming to your open house.
But I was with my friends too.
Five of them.
Some of which you didn't even invite to your open house.
Were they supposed to not go to their friend's open house whom they promised to go and go to your open house JUST because someone they barely knew was "alone" at your open house?
And what?
If they don't wanna go, then I have to go alone?
With no transport?
Your house is at Rawa. I was at Nusa Bestari for goodness sake!
How could you be so self-centered?
You've really changed. You weren't your old self anymore.
You're changing. For the worse.
You said to me, " Muka lawa tapi dlm hati ade setan"
Hello? Are you even hearing yourself?
YOU started calling me bodo first.
YOU started calling me and my friends pukimak first.
YOU started calling me babi first.
YOU started telling me to go mampos first.
YOU started saying to me see you in hell first.
I never called you pukimak back.
I never called you babi back.
I never told you to go mampos back.
I never said to you see you in hell back.
Yes, I did called you bodo back. Once.
But don't tell me I'm not supposed to defend myself?
Don't tell me I'm just gonna let you tell me off without saying something back?
I didn't say anything when you talked bad about me and my friends to her.
Even if she was one of my close friend during primary school.
But I can't take it anymore.
Not when you told me off at Facebook just now.

Patience has its limitations.
And unfortunately for you, I've just reached mine.

(back to the top.)

@ Sunday, October 10, 2010
9/10/10 ♥
A day outt, getting some fresh air & definitely having FUN.
Together with Natasha, Maisarah, Aisyah, Rina & Nadhirah. ( plus an uninvited guest, which is khairul. lol jkjk )
So, we went and played tennis, then Rahimah's house, then Jusco, then Iman's house, then Halimatus's house and finally back home.
As usual, a day out NEVER goes according to plan.
We planned to meet at 8 a.m but I reached there at 8.45 a.m instead. ( i know right? )
But it was cool cause we can't play anyway.
No one has a TENNIS RACQUET!
So they've been calling Aminatul & Khairul to come and bring the racquet's but we've decided to go to Rahimah's house to collect them instead. And that's how we ended up at the.....
Opps. I know. Ya' peeps are wondering. We were supposed to be at Rahimah's!
Well, we kinda pass by a playground and yeah.. we stopped.
We played the swing, the see-saw's until theres this like group of grass cutter's came and start taking off their shirts or something.
So we decided to move on. And that's how we ended up at...
Knock knock!
Me: IMAH!!!
Somebody: Hoi, kasi salam dlu lah.
Me: Ohh.
Maisarah: Assa..
*Gate Opens*
*Everyone laughs*
Imah's young sis: Msoklah.
*Rina hesitating*
* We went in*
Imah comes and borrowed us the racquet's, we had a drink, talked, took pictures, I tied my hair & we're off to the tennis court. That's how we ended up at the...
TENNIS COURT ; ( Again )
This time. Nadhirah was there. She reached around 9++. Even later than me. Lols.
We paid for a court and played.
It was cool, running here and there ;
Learning how to play cause this was like our first time ;
Hitting the wind instead of the tennis ball ;
Rina tak habis2 bluetooth-ing lagu ;
and we took a rest.
While I was pouring my heart out by singing the song We'll be Together with the tennis racquet as a guitar, Khairul showed up.
Which was like 10++.
Oh great, break's over.
Time to play again.
This time, I'm KINDA getting better.
Well, KINDA.

Then, it was TIME'S UP!
Huh. Most of us didn't bring water. And that's how we ended up at.....
Fuhh, am I glad to be here.
The thought of water was gonna be served in no time gave me energy to keep on going.
I ordered an Ice blended Green Apple.
Awhhh how it melts in my mouth.
haha jkjk.
I drank it as normal and then we gotta hurry to Maisarah's house cause she gotta cook rice and cause her father will be sending us to Jusco. And that's how we ended up at...
When we reach, I, of course, attack her books!
Finding for interesting ones to borrow.
And I decided on Suite Scarlett and Threads.
Rina was digging through her comics or something and wanted to borrow like seven books!
But, I mean, Its MAISARAH.
So of course theres limitations.
First she said one book per person.
*Rina begging*
*Sad faces, saying 'Alaaa'*
Fine. Two books per person.
Everyone: YAYY!
Rina: Alaaaaa!
*Everyone cracks*
*Rina begged again*
Mai: Dua buku seorang. Kang aku ckp satu buku je.
Somebody: Haaaa.
Rina: Alaaaa
Mai: Hmm. FINE. Tiga buku seorang.
Rina: Ye lah.
Then we gotta fill in our names, what book we wanna borrow, the price of each book that we wanna borrow plus our signature.
Mai says its just so that she knows who borrowed which book, how many books and just in case we lose/damaged them.
*Time passes*
*Mai pegi mandi*
*Looks at time*
AHHHHH!!! We're supposed to leave at 12, SHARP!
Mann, we're way behind schedule.
*Mai calls her dad*
*Time Flies*
*Dad Reached*
AHHH! Everyone runs upstairs. lol
Everyone runs back downstairs. lol
*Gets in car*
Next stop....
*Gets down from car*
Walks into Jusco.
Aisyah bought cheese or something. ( don't know what its called. )
We went up, up, up!
To the..
Play basketball. My score was 100! hehe
Play racing and all that stuff.
Natasha and I bought popcorns, Rina bought 'tali' for her phone, same goes with Aisyah.
Oh yeah, we bought Starbucks too! Wooh.
Some of us were already 'pokai' so they gotta share.
Atta, Tasha & Rina were like sharing a drink.
Luckily, I bought my own. teehee :')
Then blabla here, blabla there.
Time to go to Iman's house!
We waited for a bus, not even a single bus came.
Then we saw a Maju bus.
*Happy faces*
And it just went straight and didn't turn to our direction.
Nad: Bas tu Maju je bukannye nak mundur. lol
Finally, we decided to take a taxi.
We're supposed to stop at AliCafe restaurant.
We took two taxi's.
Rina, Tasha & Aisyah hopped in the first one.
We had to find for another one.
*Found taxi*
Nad: Mne diorng? Aku tak nmpk pon. Tantah diorng duduk mkn. Eh, takkan punye, diorng kan pokai.
*Reached destination*
They weren't there!
Mai: Sape bole tepon diorng? Aku takde kredit.
So I called.
THIS was the funny part.
The conversation went like this.
Well, more or less ;D
Me: Korng kt mne?
Tasha: Kitorng on the way pegi BESTMART.
Me: Cracks up. hah? mcm mne bole smpi situ? Kteorng da kt AliCafe ni.
Tasha: Entahlah. Kite da ckp ngn Apek tu nk pegi AliCafe kt Taman Nusa Bestari. Die pegi Taman Nusa Bestari 2 pulak. Pastu die ckp sini ade Cafe2 lah.
Me: Cracks up. Again. haha. Ckp ngn die Taman Nusa Bestari 1 bukan 2!
Tasha: Hmm okok.
*Puts down phone*
Me: Diorng on the way nk pegi BESTMART!
*Everyone cracks*
Mai: Hah? mcm mne?
And all that. blabla.
Mai: Aku nk call Aisyah lah.
Me: Eh, bukan ke tadi kau ckp kau takde kredit? -_____________-
*Jeng Jeng Jeng*
Nad: Hahaha.
Mai: Save utk emergency je. haha
Me: *Gave Mai the evil eye*
Okay this and that.
They finally reached.
Mai: Eh, buat mke serious.
Me and Nad: Laughs. Tak... Tahan.. Laughs.
Me: Aku tak bole la. Klakar sngt.
*Rina, Tasha & Aisyah gets down from taxi*
* Walks toward us*
*Starts complaining*
this, that, this & that.
Me: IMAN!!
Somebody: IMAN! Cpt bukak pintu!
Somebody else: Emergency!
Me: Da lmbt!
*Gate opens*
*Went in*
*Selamat Hari Raya!*
*Sits down*
*Starts telling stories to Iman*
*Makan makan*
This and that.
Then we ate.
Everyone change clothes.
*Take pictures*
Ahhhh, FRESH!
Bye Iman!
*Wearing our slippers*
Oh yeah, except for Nad.
She forgotten to bring extra slippers or something so she ended up wearing a NIKE sports shoe with baju kurung.
HAHA THAT was funny.
Sadly, I don't have the picture.
Damn. Should've taken one. That's okay. Ya' peeps can picture it right? haahs.
Went out.
Started taking pictures of us jumping outside.
*Jalan Jalan*
*Waits for bus*
Tak sampai2.
*Looks out for taxis*
Pon takde.
Then I called Iman and asked for the taxi num.
And THAT'S when a taxi showed up.
So Me, Maisarah and Nadhirah hopped in.
Aisyah called her father and he'll be picking the rest of them up and send them to halimatus's house.
*Reached destination*
*Me, Mai & Nad hopped out*
*Waits for the rest of the troops!*
Mai: Eh, mne satu ruma halimatus?
Nad: Jap, aku tgok yg mne ade khemah.
*Nads looks to the right*
Nad: Mcm takde je.
Me: Hoi. Sebelah kanan la ruma die. Tgok kiri mmg la tak jmpe.
Mai: Mne kau tau?
Me: tgok la nombo ruma die. Kan 12. So ruma ni nombo 28. Ala blah sana lah.
Mai: Ohh.
Me: Nsib aku tgok. Klau tak, tgok kiri smpi bile2 la tak jmpe.
*Waits for them*
Me: Hmmm. Lmenye. Jap lg mesti mak aku call.
*Time flies*
Me: Mne diorng ni? Tantah ayah Aisyah tak tau mne belibis 12.
Mai: Eh. Gile? Aisyah tinggal Puchong tak tau mne belibis 12?
Nad: Mestilah hari2 die lalu sini kan.
Mai: Tu la.
*Time passes*
And... FINALLY! They reached.
But sadly, Aisyah can't join us cause its getting kinda late and her mom doesn't let.
Oh well. Bye Aisyah :'(
So we went in.
Salam her mom, makan kuih, makan mee & pudding.
We were there for only like half an hour cause I gotta hurry back home.
I told my mom I'm coming back at 5 p.m or 5.30 p.m, and its 5.50 p.m already.
So at 6, Mai called her dad to come pick us up.
Her dad will be dropping us at school.
So byebye Maisarah.
So, I called my mom when we reached.
Rina has been trying to call her parents and when she finally get through, her parents said that they'll be fetching her around 7++.
At that moment, it was 6.15.
Poor Rina.
She was like asking us to stay and 'teman' her. haha
But I already called my mom.
Then we started singing a song.
The title was...umm...Shoot. I forgot.
Well, then my mom reached, and it was time to say goodbye to Natasha, Rina and Nadhirah.
So Byebye friends.
Overall, it was sooo fun.
I have some pictures but I'm too tired to upload it.
Even if I don't, this has to be like the LONGEST POST EVER!

Kay's. Imma gonna stop now.
Soo. Tired. Of. Typing.
Actually, theres more to it. I mean like the whole journey.
Its like a SOO long story.
Me decided to cut. it. short. heehs.
Pls: Some moments just aren't funny when I wrote it down. But it was damn funny when it happened, okay? HAHA

In this post:
Natasha Ahmad Najib ; Rina Mawarti Ihwanudin ; Nadhirah Zainal ; Noor Iman Ismail ; Maisarah Hamisan ; Aisyah Irdina Omar ; Nur Halimatus Saadiah Abdul Kader ; Khairul Khaizuran Abdul Jalil ; Aminatul Alisya Ahmad Saifuddin ; Rahimah Badroll Hisham ♥


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@ Thursday, October 7, 2010
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Imma soo-not feeling good.
Having a sorethroat since Sunday.
Cough since Monday.
Flu since yesterday.
Mann, Holiday sucks.

P/s: Tomorrow's school! DAMMIT!
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@ Wednesday, October 6, 2010
A Cinderella story ♥
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