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@ Thursday, January 28, 2010
Hey guyss .

woah . its been weeks since my last post .
well , i've been busy trying to catch up with school works and stuff .

I don't really know what to post these days .
Nothing really happen .
Just my usual super-boring-daily-routine .

Oh yeah , here's one .
Sultan Johor died few days ago .
now , everyone have to wear white tudung for a week to show that we are mourning .
huh . -.-

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@ Thursday, January 7, 2010
Hey guys .

Hows the first week of school , you may ask ?
Well , its okay .
Still trying to cope with all these new stuffs .
Especially geografi .
I can't understand a single thing !
bout all those latitud's and longitud's .
The thought of it just makes me sick . Urgh .
Currently , I'm only going for Maths and Science tuition .
I think Geo is a MUST go for tuition too .
Then , my maths teacher teaches in malay .
omg . I lost the interest to even listen to her explanation .
Shes suppose to be explaining in ENGLISH ! :p
but whatever .
thats the whole point of tuition .
It helps .
My tuition teacher is super fluent in english . woohoo :)
Talking bout English , my English teacher is damn fierce !
Just for not bringing textbook , we must pay 20 cents .
for talking in other languages besides english , the fine is 10 cents each time we open our mouth and talk .
I have my prefect duties too !
I'm under Biro Spotcheck .
I hate it .
I want to be under Biro Kelewatan .
Even though I'm always late for school . haha .
I'm super busy even when its just the first week of school .
Even the first day of school already has homework .
What crap is that ?
(back to the top.)

@ Sunday, January 3, 2010
Urghh Rise and Shine .
Today's the first day of school !
awww man .
I'm still under the holiday mood .
I barely prepare anything for school . hehe
And today , just when I'm in a deep sleep at around 6++ , my brother wake me up .
Just to on for him the heater .
Then I can't go back to sleep .
Around 9++ , when I finally managed to close my eyes , my dad knock my door .
Ask me to wake up .
Urgh . I'm still sleepy .
But now I gotta get ready for school .
Just thought I might blog for a while .
Its been 2 or 3 days since my last post .
Oh yeah , starting this year , I'll be going for tuition .
Maths and Science .
Cause I'm having a little trouble trying to keep up .
Oh well .
On the bright side , I get to see my friends again !
I miss them soo much ! hee :)
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@ Friday, January 1, 2010
The movie turns out to be better than expected :)

Anyway , had a great time with my cousins today and yesterday .
Thats why I didn't blog .
I was too tired , I guess .
Yesterday , after watching the movie , we ate at Vivo .
Sure , Pizza Hut was way better .
But that'll do . Cause all of us were starving at that time .
Ate 3 pieces of Pepperoni .
Drank apple juice .
thats it .

As for today , I was supposed to go swimming in the morning with them .
But .
1) Woke up late .
2) I forgotten to tell my mom about it .
3) Kinda tought that they were just joking or something bout the plan . haha
Later the day , we went to Sofitel .
Oh . The name was recently changed to Mercure .
After the guys finished going for Friday prayers , we went to Singgah Selalu for lunch .
Then , BOWLING ! :D
Yeah .
We played 2 games .
The first one , my brother won .
I'm second .
The second one , my aunt won .
I'm second . Again .
Then , we went for karaoke ! haha
for 2 hours .
We were kinda screaming instead of singing on a few songs .
I almost lost my voice .
Seriously .
I kept drinking lots of water for a fast recovery on my troat .
We had so much fun !
Well , at least most of us did . ( Raiden didn't . As usual )
When we were playing bowling , hes busy reading his book and stuff his ear with his earphones to hear music even though there was already music playing over there .
And then when we were having fun karaoke-ing , Raiden was busy spending time in the toilet .
He said he was going to pee , but when my brother check on him , my brother suspects hes just sitting on the toilet bowl , doing nothing . haha
( He even sleeps in the karaoke room . )
Anyway . thats all .
Oh yeah . All of that took place at Danga City Mall .
Bye :)
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