& This is my blog.

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November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
July 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010
November 2010
December 2010

@ Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Hey guys .

So today , my cousins from Singapore is here .
And we're going to watch a movie .
Yup .
At City Square .
Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 .
I'm not really a fan of that type of movie .
But rather than sitting at home and doing nothing , I might as well follow them .
Who knows , it might turn out to be nice :) haha .
The movie's at 5.30 but we gotta be there by 4.30 .
Cause we book online .
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@ Sunday, December 27, 2009
Hey you bloggers .

Yesterday , went to a wedding , eat nasi briyani all those stuff .

Today ....
The Singapore Idol Finaleeeee ! wooooooooo :D
Hoping Sylvia would win .
Well , she most certainly did not .
But I kinda don't feel sad .
At first , yeah . I support Sylvia .
Thought she was better than Sezairi .
And then . Sezairi go with the BANG !
I mean he really pulled off all his three performances compared to Sylvia .
Sylvia was really good for Mercy only . Others she was ok . Nothing special though .
So suddenly I vote for them both . haha
If Sylvia wins , alaa Sezairi .
If Sezairi wins , alaa Sylvia . haha
Anyway , congrats to Sezairi .
He deserves it more than Sylvia actually .
Hes got originality in him and his performances .
When his album comes out , I think I'm buying it . haha

Andd guess what ?
Boys like girls is coming to Singapore on their Asian Tour .
Yup . On 28 Jan 2010 . I think . I'll double check it .
My dad says if he happens to be off on that day , we're going !
Great . If we are , that will be my first concert . haha .

So . Thats all the news that I wanted to share with you guys .
See ya !
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@ Friday, December 25, 2009
Hey Hey !

First things first .
Santa Claus is coming to town !
So you better watch out , you better not cry .
haha yeah .
Hes coming .
Why ?
Merry Christmas everyone ! Hohoho .
For those who are celebrating christmas or not , that wish was for you .
Hope you had a great christmas . :)

Now . How was my christmas ?
Frankly , I thought I'm just gonna be sitting at home , sweeping the whole house , cleaning , chores , play the comp , blablabla .
But , I went and watch Avatar !
I gotta say , the special effects were good , the movie was AWESOMEEEEE :DD
I wanna watch it again and again and again . haha jkjk .
I wonder how the Americans got such brain an imagination to do that kind of movie .
Oh well .
We watched it at Jusco Tebrau .
We wanted to go for the 11.20 movie .
But as usual , we're late -,-
Plus , the queue was damn longgg .
We waited for like 40 minutes .
Can you imagine ?
My father was saying that it won't be many people in the morning .
Well , he was wrong .
It was worth it anyway . the movie was cool .
Oh yeah .
When we wanted to buy the tickets , the 12.30 one was also pack .
So we have to seat seperately .

Now , I'm waiting impatiently for 27 Dec !
The Singapore Idol Season 3 FINALLL :)
Go Sylvia ! Go Sylvia ! hahaha
My brother supports Sezairi . He says we have to support our own colour .
He says I'm being racist for not supporting my own race and colour .
But he is the one being racist for supporting Sezairi just because his malay .
At least I'm supporting Sylvia cause shes GOOD :D
Two times in a row , the title are won by Taufik and Hady .
Its time for a girl now to win .
Am I right ? hahhaha

Okay . Thats all .
gtg . Peace outttt (:

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@ Thursday, December 24, 2009
Hey people ! :D
Its been days since I've updated my blog .
Well , I've been busy .
and if you're wondering what I'm busy with , its doing CHORES !
OMG . I hate it .
For thirteen years I have a maid and then suddenly shes gone ?!
Ok , enough bout that .
I'm here to share with you guys about the latest news happening in my life .
Thats the reason I'm blogging .

So today my brother's friend went back .
He was here since Monday .

Then today was also the day my brother got his PMR results .
As usual , he continues to surprise me , all of us .
I was still sleeping about 11++ when he shouted ' adik !! '
I straight away got up and said ' yeah .. '
and then he told me he got 6a1b1c for his PMR .
I was like ' ohh ... '
but actually theres this voice screaming inside me saying , " WHAT !!!!! Are you kidding me ?!! "
cause he doesn't study at all . ( well a little )
I was actually expecting him to get 3a2b3c . HAHA
well the most 4a's .
And I was like " OMG ! 6a's ? "
still can't really believe it .
The B is BM and the C is Agama .
He called my dad and mom .
My mom , the usual thing , congratulates him but still kinda sad and keeps on saying if he had studied , he could get straight a's .
My dad , was surprise and didn't believe him .
He put down the phone and called my brother's friend from school to re-confirm .
And when he come home from work *smiles* *happy face* , saying that it was not bad since he didn't study .
Btw , my bro's gonna get a laptop from my mom ! and 1500 from my dad !
Urgh .
Oh well .
Then my parents were soo hoping that he could make it to MRSM .
But actually I was kinda hoping he won't make it . haha just kidding .
Its just that then I have to do all the chores by my own .
with my mom screaming everyday cause of one little tini wini mistake , URGH .
Well whatever .
Now that my brother got 6a's , man . I've got to work hard .
I've got to get at least 7a's .
But my parents said must get 8a's .
Hmm . I'm gonna achieve it .
I'll work super super hard .
Cause theres no way I'm gonna lose to him .
Weeeeee :D

Yesterday , I watch the Reaper series .
Man , it was DAMN NICE !
I was laughing and laughing the whole time .
I seriously recommend all of you to watch it .

Just now , we wanted to watch The Vampire's Assistant .
AND SHIT ! It was NOT clear and bad sound system .
gtg and change it .

Last of all , SHERLOCK HOLMES is out in the cinemas TODAY !
I'm gonna watch it . haha
hopefully .

Anyway , thats all .
I'm going to sleep . *yawns*
Buhbye :)
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@ Monday, December 21, 2009

Awww I miss all of my friends .

Jalilah NatashyaAfira NoorIman Natasha Rahimah TenLiancie KakNasya AminatulAlisya RinaMawarti SitiNorShahiratulAin KakLyn KhairulBariah KakIeqa NurZulyana FatimahAmira AisyahIrdina Maisarah FatinNadzirah WanNoorFatihah FatinNurFaiqah FatenShera Simren HalimatusSaadiah KakErin KakEzza KakMel JiaYin HueySy ShuenChi ChiiHan

Cha Yong Siong , 1rk1 09'

ohh and Levin Ho Chee Xian too !

Since the school holiday started , I don't get to meet them . :'(

Some of them won't be in the same class as me next year .

I'm really gonna miss them .

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@ Saturday, December 19, 2009
The movie's not bad .
But now I want to watch The Vampire Assistant .
But the DVD is still not clear . Hmm .
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Wow . Today is actually a very tiring day .
I just came back from Singapore . Again .
Yeah . Cause I went to TWO weddings !
Damn . I hate weddings .
The bright side is , I get to eat Nasi Briyani . HAHA
For the first wedding , I went with my cousins and all .
The best part is , there are no self service !
We are serve by the people there .

As for the second one , its just me , my brother and my mum .
Its pretty boring .
And honestly , the food is worser than the first one .
Did I just said that ? I didn't mean it . Its was ouh-kay .
And I also get to finish the last book that I borrowed from the library , When You Wish .
Before going back , I went to McDonald's with my brother and ate Strawberry Sundae .
Man , it feels good .

Okay . I got to go .
I'm gonna watch BAND SLAM ! :D
Bye :)
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@ Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hey people .
After about 6 years here , my maid finally went back to her hometown yesterday .
I'm sure gonna miss her .
Without her , things just won't be the same anymore .
And the worst part of all , I have to do CHORES !
I hate it .
I also have to help my mom to cook !
Will things just get any worser ?

Well , on the bright side , my bathroom had just finished renovating .
So thats a good thing .
There are mirrors everywhere in the bathroom .
haha .

Ok . Thats all for today .
Bye peeps :)
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@ Monday, December 14, 2009
Hey .
So I'm back at JB .
Damn , its been a long time since the last time I'm here .
Well actually its not that long .
About 2 and a half weeks or 3 .
Its not that comfy cause the toilets are still renovating .
But now its done .
Its so dusty , I may catch a flu .

Okay . Enough bout that .
Just now , I watched New Moon .
Its kinda okay .
There were many sad moments until I even cried . haha
Yeah .

I think thats all .
I'm gonna watch Princess Protection Program now . Again . haha
Its cause my bro wants to watch it so much .
He keeps on pestering me to on that DVD .
So BYE :)
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@ Sunday, December 13, 2009
Hi folks ! :D

Now I'm at my other cousin house .
Did I mention that earlier ?
No . I don't think so .
Well now I've mention it .
Its cause I have to go back home to JB SOON .
Which is today . haha
At first , I thought my father is picking me up .
Actually , its my mom .
Yeah . She supposed to be here in an hour or so .
I'm gonna miss Singapore .
And all of my cousins here . ( Especially my BFFN ) HAHA

Oh yeah , on the 17th Dec , Affa will be getting her results .
If her result is good enough for her to be in Sec 5 next year , she'll get an Aino .
She keeps on saying how nervous she is for her results .
Well , I'm here wishing her luck .
Good luck Affa !
Don't worry , I believe in ya' !

Okay , I got to go .
My cousin Raiden wants to use the comp .
Hes not being very patient .
So its goodbye Singapore and hello Malaysia .

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@ Friday, December 11, 2009
Yesterday , I went to the cinema with my cousins .
To watch The Princess and The Frog .
At first , we wanted to watch New Moon but the ratings was low and many people said it was boring .
We went for the 12.20 p.m show .
When we wanted to buy the tickets , we asked for 4 student tickets .
And then they ask me for my student pass .
I froze and Affa becomes blur .
Luckily , they only wanted to see 2 student passes .
So I went and call Kak Cam and she quickly show hers .
Yay . Its settled .
After that , when we were finding for our seat in the cinema , someone stolen our seat .
But we managed to settle that .
Kak Cam was so pissed off until she even said the F word . HAHA
That was funny .
While we were watching the movie , all the kids keep on laughing .
Even when the scene was not funny .
That was irritating .
But overall , the movie was cool .
There were lots of funny scenes .

Now , I won't be posting about the books I've finished reading cause its too many . haha
Unless if its damn interesting , I'll be sure to post it .
Ciao ! :D

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@ Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Well people , there it is .
Love Divided by Vanessa St Clair .
My last book and I finished reading it .
Yay .

Now , Kak Cam is planning to watch the cinemas this Friday .
Cause she'll finish her test by then .
At first , we wanted to watch New Moon .
But suddenly Affa said she wanted to watch The Princess and The Frog .
And all of us agree of course .
Then again , Kak Cam said she want to watch New Moon .
So its not decided yet .
But since its this Friday , I'm not sure whether I'll still be here .
And then my aunt ask me when I'm going home .
I said I'm not sure . But maybe this Thursday .
She said how come so fast and ask me to go back after 18 or 20 Dec .
Cause on the 18th , 19th or 20th Dec , she wants to treat all of us to Swensens .
Hmmm . I wonder whether I'll be able to stay here longer .
Its boring back in JB .
Nothing to do .
Just sit at home , in front of the computer .
Unlike my brother , hes spending time with his " brader " over there .
At least over here , I have my cousins !
Till then , bye .

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@ Monday, December 7, 2009
Hey . Well theres really nothing special about today .
Woke up at 12 , eat egg with rice and read my book of course . hee .
Reading is my hobby now ( besides playing Rock Band ) . No longer sitting in front of the comp or hanging out with friends .
At first , I thought reading was gonna be boring . But no . I'm really enjoying it .
At least , it help me to improve my grammar , get to recognize high frequency words and so on .
As for today , of course another book has been completed .
The One and Only by Sophie McKenzie .
Its a nice book . I really don't regret borrowing it .

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@ Sunday, December 6, 2009
Well , another storybook COMPLETED .
yeah . haha .
I finished reading it yesterday but I didn't get to post .
cause I didn't get to used the laptop yesterday .
Kak Cam used it the whole day .
Yup . She studied for like HOURS !
Cause she wants to get A for her test .
hehe . good luck for her anyway . :)

Oh yeah .
Yesterday I went to the library .
with Affa , Ayyum and Caisa .
I get to borrow three books .
And now I'm trying to finish reading all of it before I go home .
Now , every time I finished reading a book , I'll make sure to post it here .
and guess what ? Today , I finished reading another book .
Yup .
The Princess Diaries After Eight
So I guess two more books to go .

Now as usual , Rock Band .
Ciao people .

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@ Friday, December 4, 2009
Hey everybody .
I've just finish reading another book .
Again .
In a day .
This time , its :
Princess Diaries Third Time Lucky
The third book from Meg Cabot on The Princess Diaries series .
Well , actually its kinda weird .
cause I've finished reading the seventh book and then only I read the third one .
It should be the other way round .
huh . but whatever .
The book looks like that so you can go get it if you want .

Now , what happened today .
Well , pretty much almost the whole day was about Rock Band .
I and my cousins just finished playing 60++ songs from Rock Band .
Man , it was damn tiring .
My fingers were kinda numb .
Yeah , but I enjoyed it .
A lott .
As for now , I'm watching Green Day Concert !
hehe .
at MTV .
while playing laptop of course .

Anyway , next Monday , maybe Affa will be taking me to watch New Moon .
Cause I'll be going back home soon .
Actually , Kak Cam was supposed to bring me .
But my father says I have to go back back home SOON .
And then next week is Kak Cam's test , so she'll have no time to bring me .
She told me to stay longer so she'll be able to bring me jalan-jalan after she finished her test .
but of course , I CAN'T .
and Mak Long also ask them to bring me to the library which I don't know weather I'll be able to .
Now only Affa can bring me jalan-jalan cause shes not working and don't have school .
Hmmmm .
I wish I can be here longer :(
It soooo fun and I like it over here .
I don't even feel like going home .
But I'll have to .

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@ Thursday, December 3, 2009
Hey people .
I had just completed reading this book .
The Princess Diaries Seventh Heaven by Meg Cabot .
I finished it in just a few days .
Damn , it was very interesting .
I'm going to read more books from now on .
English books .
Hoping to improve on how to write and all .
Anyway , the front cover looks like that and its in stores .
So , go get it bloggers !

Okay . Enough bout that .
Finally I get to breath some fresh air after days just staying at home playing Rock Band ( but it was damn fun playing Rock Band . And honestly , my skills are improving . :DD ) .
I went out with Affa .
Well actually with Caisa too .
Cause we had to .
When Affa told Caisa she can't follow , she gone nuts and started crying , calling her mother and all .
So , we brought her along .
Which means . NO SHOPPING .
or going to very crowded places like Bugis and stuff .
Just in case we loose sight of her .
I took the MRT yesterday .
Man , it was the first time in YEARS I was able to took the MRT .
It feels good .
I can't remember which shopping centre we went to .
cause there were three over there .
I finally get to buy some t-shirts too !
After that , we ate at McDonald's .
and the shaker fries was good !
If I weren't saving up for the cinemas ( to watch new moon ) , I'd already went to get more .
Well , we only went out for 2 hours .
We're back by 5 .
And then as usual , THE BEATLES ROCK BAND !
haha .
Wow , staying here at Singapore , everything just seems right .
I'm having a great time here .
Faster come back bro . Its damn fun here . :D
That's all I have to say .
Have a nice day people .
Peace outt :)

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@ Tuesday, December 1, 2009

So guess what ?
Yesterday I slept at 3 a.m !
And what did I do ?
I watch So You Think You Can Dance with my cousin , Affa .
Well actually all of them dance well and smoothly .
But for me , the hip hop and samba dance was the BOMB !
It was so good and they dance effortlessly with all the hard moves and everything .
I also post the video just in case you want to watch it .
I'm telling you , they're the best ! Definitely above the rest !
So have fun watching and ciao people . :)

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Check it out !
Hows my new skin ?
I know . It looks damn cool right ? haha
Well , I got to thank Kak Cam for that .
Thanks Kak . I owe you one . hee :D

Anyway , hey fellas !
Yeah , I just realize that I didn't post anything yesterday .
I guess I got busy .
But I'm here now .

So , as usual , woke up at almost 11 a.m .
Which is the usual time I got up everyday .
Only the different thing is , I got to eat breakfast !
I ate Nasi Lemak . It was delicious .
Yesterday was kinda terrible .
Its like I almost starved to death !
Yeah .
Actually no . Just kidding . haha
I ate Maggi for lunch yesterday .
The weird thing is .
It has no gravy at all .
I was like shocked to see it so dry ( thanks to Cayyum for that ) .
He cooked the Maggi for like 3 minutes .
Yup . I counted .
No la . It was just a guess .
But seriously , it was so fast !
But I eat it anyway .
I was damn hungry .
The taste turn out to be quite okay . :D

So for today , nenek came knocking the door with Raiden .
As soon as we hear the doorbell ringing , I and Affa ran straight upstairs to pray . LOL
Cause if we don't , we're gonna get a bashing from nenek . haha
And its true .
As soon as we ran upstairs , she called our name and said .
Me : Ye nek ?
Nenek : Da solat ke belum ? Pergi solat !
Me : Ye nek . Nak solat ni .
Nenek : Oh . Kalau takde nenek tak solat eh .

But I didn't get to reply .
Cause I went to the bathroom already to take my wuduk .
After praying , we continued playing the Rock Band .
Then , Raiden wanted to play .
I was like hesitating and don't know what to say .
Cause Kak Cam already warned us to not let Raiden play .
She was scared that Raiden will spoiled the Drum .

Oh yeah , here's a secret .
Wanna hear ?
Since I woke up until now , I haven't bathe !
Yup . haha
But I still smell nice . heehe

Okay , I got to go .
I was playing the laptop since 5 p.m.
Its been like what ? 2 hours ?
Furthermore , I got to bathe and pray .
I'll be playing Rock Band again later !
I enjoy living at Singapore with my cousins .
Bye :)
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