& This is my blog.

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November 2009
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December 2010

Hello :D
@ Sunday, November 29, 2009
Hey you bloggers out there .

Yesterday I waited for Kak Cam like for HOURS !
I thought she wasn't coming and I almost went to sleep .
She told me she'll come about 12 or 1 but then end up at the doorstep at almost 4 . I think .
Huh . well .
I played Sims for a while and we went out about 7.30 p.m.
We waited for the bus for like few minutes and guess what ?
I finally get to ride a DOUBLE DECKER BUS !! Yeaaaaaahhh ;DDDD
The journey was about half an hour .
I usually feel a little dizzy in the bus .
But yesterday ...
I don't feel anything .
Maybe its because of the cool breeze air-con and the double decker bus . hee :D
When we reached , we went to 7 eleven and I bought a Big Gulp .
And a BIG one , I might add eh . XD
I ate again at my aunt's house .
I guess I was so hungry .
My aunt cooked Mee Siam .
It was quite delicious though .
After finish eating , I watched Pirates of The Caribbean . The first One .
Its about the Black Pearl and so on .
I watched it like so many times already but I still laugh out loud .
I don't get bored watching that movie .
Finally , I closed my eyes at 2 a.m .

And The next day ............

I woke up at almost 11 a.m .
Man , I was damn shock .
Cause I thought I was in the middle of nowhere .
I guess I forgot that I'm now sleeping at my other cousins house .

So I quickly got up to find the others .
I found them in Cayyum's room .
And then I talked to Affa about school and stuff .
We went down about almost 12 .
I brushed my teeth to eat .
And guess whats for breakfast ?
Nasi Lemak ! Yay ! :DD

After eating , Kak Cam and Caisa played Rock Band .
Kak Cam was on the guitar while Caisa does the singing .
No one played the drum cause its medium level .
Apparently , no one's good enough for that .
I tried playing the medium level .
Well , its not that hard .
I still can manage it .
After a few hours , we watched Upin and Ipin .
I thought its gonna be boring .
But actually its quite nice .
and funny too !

Okay . I got to go .
Bye peeps ! :)
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Rise and Shine
@ Friday, November 27, 2009
Hey . Rise and Shine everybody .
Its a brand new day .

I woke up when I heard my fathers loud voice .
I looked at the clock and it was only 10 a.m !
OMG . How dare he disturb my sleep .
Anyway I still get up to say farewell to my bro .
Yeap . Hes going back today .
Cause he have to go for his injection .
and on the 6th of December , he will be sitting for his MRSM test .
I'll be wishing him luck .
Good Luck bro . Cause you're gonna need it .
but he'll be back on the 7th . I think .
Oh yeah . My father gave me a few bucks !
woohoooo ! At least I'll still have some money while i'm here .

Yesterday i had lots of fun .
I played rock band with my cousins .
I'm not very good at it though .
and as you can see , i'm still trying to get a hang of it . hee :D

I'm also trying to complete my song list !
I need 100 songs .
but so far I only wrote about 30+ .
Cause my cousin yasira already wrote most of the song that I want .
But anyway , that'll make my job easier .
Now I'm still finding for nice songs .
Care to give some ideas ? haha

Today i'll be going to my Mak Long's house .
and i'll be sleeping there from now on .
I can't wait !
My elder cousin will be fetching me in a short while .

So . That's pretty much all that I have to say and share .
I'll post again tomorrow .
Bye :)
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My First Post :)
@ Thursday, November 26, 2009
Hey fellas .
yeah , its my first time blogging .
thanks to Ira for helping me to make this blog .
However , I'll be needing Kak Cam's help for the skin .
She's great at that .
In fact , she's very good in arts and she's damn smart too .
Shes now at poly studying law so that she will be able to sue stupid people .

Now I'm currently at Singapore , feeling the heat from the sun .
I've always wanted to come here and now I'm staying at my cousins house .
Its lots of fun .
Especially when my cousin , raiden , got scold from my aunt just because he doesn't pray . haha .

Last Tuesday , I went to the cinemas with my bro and cousins to watch 2012 .
The story was just okay though . Nothing special .

I can't wait to see more of Singapore .
I'll be going to Bugis to get some t-shirts .

On the 3rd December , New Moon is gonna be out in the cinemas . Yea !
I'll be going to watch it with my cousins .
Better start saving up for that day .
Cause my money's flowing down the drain . HAHA

As for today , I'm going to my Mak Long's house .
I'll post again when I'm back to share my memories there .
Bye :))

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